2 min readMay 3, 2022


The experiential training programme Team Building supported its objectives through a series of actions that sought to enhance the cooperation and teamwork of the participating members, as well as the creation of a climate of high trust relationships.

In the fun experience the trust exercises were unprecedented and asked us to trust the person who would hold our body while we fell backwards and one person was asked to trust us and pick them up off the ground together. In both of these experiential actions, the goal of individual and group Accountability was included; we all felt co-responsible for the physical integrity of our fellow students and a mutual bridge of trust was achieved, even if only momentarily, by both parties.

The implementation of the group training and activities took place in a green park, which relaxed our senses and in such a place we were invited to create — in a test we called a spider-plane, to organise ourselves interdepartmentally and to work together in combination and in a space, The spatial problem we were asked to solve in a short time trained our creative thinking and problem solving skills and interdepartmental cooperation. It had a satisfactory degree of difficulty and not all teams succeeded; there were variations and different performances; some teams followed the order of their plan, others were unorthodox in the timing of following the plan but had a better plan and cooperative performance.

These collective actions through group play can cultivate in the participants the ability to cope with change since they were new situations in which we were asked to participate and manage. (Making Change Happen — Embracing Change)

“Teamwork is an individual skill” and in the team building workshop activities there was a strong feeling of belonging to a team, of being aligned in goals and trying with laughter, even if you didn’t always achieve the desired goal.The experience was incomparable and uniquely joyful.

In general, what you learn by playing is not forgotten and is captured in a fun and creative way.We certainly had fun in the most natural and interactive way and it was self-evident that relationships were strengthened.

Betty Tsakarestou, Dimitra Iordanoglou, Silvia Ralli, EleniE, Ανδριάνα Μανιώτη, Marialenatsavala, ZENIA BARRY

